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This Ca overload activates the forward mode
This Ca2+ overload activates the forward mode of the Na+/Ca+ exchanger (NCX), increases the transient inward current (Iti), and induces ventricular arrhythmias due to delayed after depolarizations (DADs). Subtypes of CPVT Several subtypes of CPVT have been reported (Table 1). The most common typ
Recogiendo en el cap tulo
Recogiendo en el capítulo siguiente del libro (“La fenomenología del instante en ”, 147–161) lo que al final del anterior ha dicho sobre , Escalante propone, partiendo de la distinción entre descripción fenomenológica e interpretación, puesta, empero, en tela de juicio por Heidegger (148), que el “n
Two important issues affect our interpretation of these find
Two important issues affect our interpretation of these findings. First, many women chose institutional delivery (53% of deliveries were at hospitals in Sazawal and colleagues\' trial, and 64% in Semrau and colleagues\' trial). The latest WHO guidelines recommend application of chlorhexidine to the
There are few learning points that can be derived from
There are few learning points that can be derived from this case. While VDD is an acceptable mode in young patients, one should be cautious of using this mode in elderly patients with sick sinus syndrome, unless retrograde VA conduction is absent. A single PVC can trigger a ventricular paced rhythm
Este n mero correspondiente al primer semestre
Este número, correspondiente al primer semestre del año 2013, se abre con una sección dedicada Atglistatin reflexionar sobre América Latina desde diferentes puntos cardinales: literatura, ciencia y tecnología, derechos humanos, filosofía, historia de las ideas y dos perspectivas del pensamiento de F
Asimismo y con distinto nfasis entre s estas cr nicas
Asimismo y con distinto énfasis entre sí, estas crónicas presentan la dimensión de la escritura de la historia como reparación, como sutura del trauma, y también como espacio textual único para la supervivencia de memorias en constante proceso de desaparición. Esto les confiere cierto ubicuo tono de
La mayor parte de las actividades del
La mayor parte de las actividades del movimiento durante los meses siguientes se dedicó sirtuin la recaudación de fondos con destino a financiar las actividades de insurrección en el interior de España. En este sentido, se orientaron actividades tales como la creación de un grupo de teatro expe rime
br A new model of human wellbeing is
A new model of human wellbeing is emerging to guide humanity in the Anthropocene. In essence, it recognises that wellbeing depends on enabling every person to lead a life of dignity and opportunity, while safeguarding the integrity of Earth\'s life-supporting systems. The conceptual framework of s
br Future potential cardiac examinations for long
Future potential cardiac examinations for long-duration spaceflights Currently available treatments for emergency cases in spaceflight Astronaut Crew Medical Officers (CMO) aboard the ISS receive 40–70h of medical training, including CPR training, within 18 months preceding their mission (Fig.
It is generally agreed that a
It is generally agreed that a previous history of aborted cardiac arrest, syncope, presence of a spontaneous type-1 ECG, and male gender are significant predictors of further arrhythmic events [5,7,10,11,32,33]. Risk stratification Exercise testing Some clinical studies have reported the augm
The canonical or catenin dependent Wnt signaling
The canonical, or β-catenin dependent, Wnt signaling pathway is critical for the regulation of osteoblast proliferation and survival [95]. Soluble inhibitors of the canonical Wnt pathway such as Dickkopf (DKK1), produced by OBL, and sclerostin, from osteocytes, play important roles in the regulation
br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br Case report He
Conclusion Conflict of interest Case report He was transferred to our hospital due to cardiopulmonary arrest at age 45. An electrocardiogram revealed ventricular fibrillation, and sinus rhythm was restored by cardiac defibrillation. After intensive therapy, we planned an implantable cardiov
La representaci n colectiva de
La representación colectiva de los indígenas se caracteriza por el tono apologético, idealizado, en el que el uso abundante de los superlativos contribuye polo-like kinase 1 resaltar hiperbólicamente la naturaleza pacífica del nativo como “buen salvaje”: Siguiendo el esquema de las oposiciones bin
Devemos destacar tamb m o que entendemos
Devemos destacar também o que entendemos por Intelectuais, ten-do como suporte para h2 receptor antagonist construção do conceito os autores Carlos Altamirano e Jean-François Sirinelli. O termo intelectual, de acordo com Sirinelli, traz em si duas acepções de natureza sociocultural, sendo uma mais a
br Role of the funding source br Introduction
Role of the funding source Introduction Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are stem-cell-derived disorders that cause overproduction of one or more of the formed elements of the blood. MPNs include chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and the Philadelphia-negative MPNs: polycythemia vera (PV),
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